Thursday, August 23, 2007

We Interrupt This Discussion...

I know I have lamely shirked my responsibility to respond to your thoughtful post on health care. I promise that I will, but wanted to get your thoughts on this idea that Kevin Drum proposes.

What is the proper reaction to the president's latest salvo at undermining all that is good and noble about simple truth? Do we ignore the inanity of the claim that Vietnam could have been won and we are in the same situation now in Iraq so that we prove its inanity by ignoring it or do we actually try to counter the fantasy by bombarding the public with a dose of reality? I'm actually inclined to take the middle ground between the choices. How about dismissing the claim not with an argument, so much as with a snarky comment like, "If the president really wishes to associate his war with the ten years of failed military and political policy of Vietnam, that is his choice."? If Kevin really wants us to fight back against the right, then we need to sound as arrogant and cavalier as they do.

What say you? Talk truth, ignore fantasy or talk trash?

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