Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ping. Pong.

This is fun, in addition to being tough. I think that right now, health care is one if those areas where "only Nixon can go to China". I like your pro-business rationale for single payer, but I just think it is a bridge too far for the American people right now. 1993 really poisoned the well for single payer. Socialized medicine, another big government program, and truly massive tax increases -- the talking points for the right wing echo chamber are very well rehearsed and have a ready audience. There is no way to get this through on a bipartisan basis, it's way too easy for the Republicans to parody, and it is a giant risk for the Dems to take in an area that isn't a crisis in people's lives. It is probably the best solution, if designed correctly, and it could be a political winner for the GOP in 2008 or for the Dems in 2016, but I don't think it is for the Dems now. Politics (and this exercise) is the art of the possible, and I can't see the Dems being able to pass this.

But let me give you a chance. Tell me the legislative/political steps by which you think single payer could pass in the next 4 years. Convince me that it's possible. :)

BTW, I really like the MA plan. If the goal is 100% coverage, that is probably the most effective way to get it done that is broadly acceptable. BTW, I am very concerned about the law of unintended consequences. It's a practical reason to be very cautious about a wholesale reinvention of 15% of our economy. Those MA pols are pretty clever? Who was the gov. who did that?

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