Wednesday, February 6, 2008

And Another Thing...

This is why I continue to remain pretty upbeat about the Dems prospects in the fall. Even if there is a lot of dirt thrown during the general, the GOP is suffering voter fatigue, the Dems are enjoying a resurgence. The dirt will hurt both candidates and might suppress turnout, but the Dems are starting so far ahead of the GOP that they have some room to lose voters and still come out ahead. Even if McCain is able to peel away some independent votes, I think the Dem base is sufficiently strong -- and, frankly, McCain's sufficiently weak -- that I am not terribly worried. I know in politics anything can happen and this is why I continue to keep my fingers crossed. But, as I've noted before, I don't see the need, as I have in the last two elections, to cross my toes, as well.

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